Elk Mountain Girls Academy is proud to partner with the Arbinger Institute in its global initiative to turn the world outward.
One of our main goals is to positively influence and improve our student's decision-making process. At Elk Mountain Girls Academy we are committed to state-of-the-art leadership training. Therefore, we proudly train and equip all staff, students, and parents with the principles taught in Arbinger Institute's "Outward Mindset."
At Elk Mountain Academy, we deal with all the typical teen behavioral challenges (i.e., “selfishness," "self-absorbedness," "lying," "mistrust," "anger," "self-imposed isolation," "temper-tantrums," "poor communication,” etc.). However, through our commitment to leadership training through the Arbinger institute, we expect your daughter upon graduation will no longer display any of the "behavioral issues" listed here.
So, how do we deal with a whole bunch of struggling teens all at once? The answer is easy, we give ample credit to the Arbinger Institute and the Outward Mindset!

Most people can't even imagine what it is like for our professional staff as they work hard to provide effective treatment and a safe environment for 40+ struggling girls all living together 24/7. The good news is that we are very very good at it, and the reason we are good is simple. We train our professional staff to operate the milieu by the Arbinger principles.
Consequently, our norms and culture are blessed with plenty of natural empathy, healing, sensitivity, and genuine Christ-centered love for others.
Step on campus at any time and you will quickly discover how effective we are - you will see, feel, and experience the love of Christ. The question is, can the Arbinger principles be used at home once the Elk Mountain Girls Academy student graduates the EMA program and returns home? The answer to that question is an EMPATHIC YES! We teach and instruct and live by the principles taught in the "Outward Mindset" and we believe these principles work everywhere and the benefits last forever!
Our secret in regard to working with troubled girls is really no secret at all. We simply love our staff, students, and parents. Love covers a multitude of sins and pushes out all fear. Love is pretty-darned powerful and "in love" and "through love" your daughter will be healed. The cool thing is that she will also become a healing agent and positively touch the lives of everyone she meets.
In order to be effectively working with troubled girls, we count on Arbinger's principles and lots of love, and it works! The principles are easy to teach, easy to learn, and even easier to use. The best part of Arbinger's principles? They work with everybody, everywhere!
The Elk Mountain Academy Difference - Why Your Attempts At Home Did Not Work
If your home is like most American homes, your attempt to “change” your daughter’s negative behavior was focused on "changing" her behavior, which seems right, but it isn't. If it was right, or if it worked, you would not be reading this page right now. So, deep down in your heart you already know your attempt to change her negative behavior did not work and quite frankly, you know it will never work.
Unfortunately, this same faulty approach of "focusing on the negative behavior" is found at most residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools. Most therapeutic schools and programs still focus on the behavior of the child instead of focusing on the underlying reasons the child acts out in the first place.

The problem is “focusing" on her behavior does not change the underlying reason she is acting out. And, what's worse, any attempt to manipulate her behavior (change her behavior from "inappropriate" to "appropriate) will inadvertently cause your daughter's negative behavior to worsen.
Parents always ask us, "But why? Why Does My Daughter's Behavior Worsen Every Time I Try to Help?"
The answer is simple, any attempt to change your daughter's behavior that DOES NOT FIRST change her underlying mindset is doomed from the start. The secret to your daughter's permanent long-term behavioral improvement is found in her mindset. Change her mindset and you effectively change (or improve) her behavior.
We hope to encourage you by revealing that it's your daughter's mindset that holds the keys to her future success, and we need not focus on her negative behavior. In due time her negative behavior will disappear and it will be replaced by prosocial love and empathy and respect for others. Right now your daughter's mindset is made up of her current opinions, attitudes, values, and beliefs.
Unfortunately, up until this point, you were focused on changing your daughter's "behavior" instead of helping her to understand her faulty perceptions of the world. Now you know, if her underlying mindset does not change her negative behavior won't change either, not really. You might be able to use fear or intimidation to temporarily change her behavior, but as soon as your pressure (threat of punishment) is removed your daughter will most likely return to her old negative behaviors.

Since your daughter's current “mindset" is driving her negative behavior, your objective is to help her become free from the negative mindset. She most likely does not even know she is being affected by her own faulty negative mindset. Helping your daughter to discover her negative mindset is the first step in setting her free.
The Arbinger Institute identified “key mindset shifts” that are critical to realizing positive improvements and changes within a family. At Elk Mountain Academy, we teach students and parents alike all about making a shift in their mindset and soon thereafter they begin to move away from the selfish inward focus to that of an "outward mindset." The results are nothing less than miraculous. For more information about the Outward Mindset and the principles therein, click here.
Who or What Is The Arbinger Institute?
The Arbinger Institute was founded in 1979 by Dr. C. Terry Warner, the scholar who solved the central problem at the heart of the human sciences: the problem of self-deception. Dr. Warner's work revealed two distinct mindsets from which people and families operate—a self-focused "inward mindset" and an others-inclusive "outward mindset" and the path to sustainably changing mindset and thus behavioral results.
Simply stated, when our Elk Mountain Girls Academy students learn to consistently think of "others" and place the needs of others above their own, they grow exponentially. They grow emotionally and spiritually. They become more empathetic for others and more sensitive to the needs of others. The results are radical and life-changing. Depression disappears, anxiety leaves, and our students soar.
Due to the dedicated Elk Mountain Girls Academy staff and the Arbinger curriculum, we are able to help our students and their families move from a "self-focused-selfish-inward-mindset" to that of a "results-focus-Christlike-outward-mindset." Through consistent training, coaching, and practice the Elk Mountain Academy staff and students AND PARENTS are enabled and empowered to achieve results that defy logic. For more information about the Outward Mindset and the principles therein, click here.
LEARN MOREThe Arbinger Institute Partner Organizations
“Teaming up with the Arbinger Institute was one of the best moves Elk Mountain has made as a business and a therapeutic organization.” Jason Thielbar
The Results Are In - The Arbinger Institute is a Winner!
The result of aligning with the Arbinger Institute and the “Outward Mindset” was a dramatic and sustained improvement in our students’ ability to get their needs met in prosocial and pro-family means. By applying the simple principles taught by the Arbinger Institute’s “Outward Mindset”, such as learning to think of others before oneself, the EMA students have enjoyed continued behavioral improvements that seem to have no end.
At Elk Mountain Academy the professional staff uses the Arbinger principles daily as they teach the students why they should have an “Outward Mindset”? The cool thing is that the outcome of having an Outward Mindset becomes the teacher and the student’s life lessons keep on coming and the positive learning never ends!